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Ecuador Yellow Dragon Fruit


$17.40 Include GST $18.97

Ecuador Yellow Dragon Fruit Tray

Our Ecuador Yellow Dragon Fruit Tray is a delectable collection of exotic fruits. This tropical treasure’s brilliant colors and tempting flavors will be a refreshing and exhilarating delight for your taste buds. Discover the charm of Ecuador’s Yellow Dragon Fruit and take your fruit platter experience to the next level.

Weight per container: 200g


Important Note: All cut fruits/fruit cups to be consumed within 1-2 hrs upon receipt. Store in the fridge if not consumed.

Availability:Out of stock

Exquisite Flavor of Ecuador Yellow Dragon Fruit

Our Ecuador Yellow Dragon Fruit tray offers an exceptional taste experience. Known for its vibrant yellow skin and sweet, seeded flesh, this fruit is a delightful treat for those seeking taste and nutrition.

Handpicked for Premium Quality

Each piece of dragon fruit in our 200g tray is handpicked from the lush fields of Ecuador. We ensure that only the best fruits make it to your tray, guaranteeing freshness and top-notch quality.

Packed with Health Benefits

Yellow Dragon Fruit is not just pleasing to the palate; it’s also a powerhouse of health. Rich in antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins, it supports digestion, boosts the immune system, and contributes to overall well-being.

Convenient and Ready to Eat

Our 200g tray is perfect for a quick, healthy snack or as an addition to your meals and desserts. The convenience of this tray makes it easy to enjoy the goodness of dragon fruit anytime, anywhere.

Sustainable and Responsible Sourcing

We are committed to sustainable practices and responsible sourcing. Our partnership with Ecuadorian farmers ensures that every tray of Yellow Dragon Fruit you purchase supports environmental stewardship and fair trade practices.


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